Recognition and Milestones

Leon Berthiaume Honored with NMC’s Community Service Award
The Northwestern Medical Center (NMC) Board of Directors is pleased to announce Leon Berthiaume, as the recipient of NMC’s 2022 Community Service Award in recognition of his long and devoted service to the community.
Berthiaume’s nomination said that he inspires others to get involved, make a difference, and give back to the community. His nomination included recognition for his service as NMC’s Boar Chair during the most recent major renovations to the facility, and his tenure as a member of the St. Albans Rotary where he worked on projects like a coat collection and the now annual tractor parade. He has been a strong leader for the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery, where he has always encouraged employees to give back and is part of the Dairy Farmers of America that continues to support community engagement. Today he serves on the boards of Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation, Peoples Trust Company, and Vermont Business Roundtable.
The award was announced by Board Vice President John Casavant who thanked Berthiaume for his service on NMCs’ board and his incredible generosity with his time and support.
“I am truly honored to receive this special and meaningful recognition,” said Berthiaume. “I am thankful and proud to have served the NMC organization and the Franklin County community over the years.” He said he was appreciative of the support of both his family and his employer who made it be possible for him to be so involved.
The NMC Community Service Award was established by the NMC Board of Directors in 2013 to recognize an individual or organization residing in Franklin or Grand Isle Counties who exhibits enthusiasm, integrity, and perseverance beyond the ordinary to help fellow citizens and the community through selfless giving to improve the overall health of the community. Nominations are invited from NMC’s Board, staff, medical staff, volunteers, and Incorporators. The NMC Board makes the selection from the nominations.
The NMC Community Service Award is presented each year at a meeting of the NMC Incorporators. Recipients are presented with a crystal maple leaf commemorative award and have their name added to a plaque which hangs in the NMC Conference Center. Prior recipients of the NMC Community Services Award are: Dr. Thomas Howrigan; Marcia Perry; Helene Biggie; Dr. Frank & Judy Zsoldos; Retired Rear Admiral Warren and Barbara Hamm; Emerson Lynn; Kathleen Keenan, RN, Pam Cross, RN and Janet McCarthy, RN.
Deogracias “Deo” P. Esguerra, MD Service Award

Dr. Laura Bellstrom accepted the “Deo” P. Esguerra, MD Service Award from last year’s honoree, Dr. Lowry Sullivan.
Dr. Laura Bellstrom, longtime pediatrician, was honored with the Deogracias “Deo” P. Esguerra, MD Service Award at NMC’s Medical Staff Appreciation event held earlier this month.
The award was created in 2011 to honor a provider with a “passion for excellence and dedication to the patients of our community.” Its namesake, Dr. Esguerra, was known as a caring, passionate and inspirational physician who loved both the science and art of medicine.
“What I am most passionate about and has been most rewarding is making connections with patients and their families over time and through many events in their lives and at times becoming an extension to the families of patients for whom I have cared. It is a true honor to be invited into the lives of patients at the time of their births, follow them through infancy, the toddler and early childhood years, into adolescence and adulthood and take part in the good and the bad times and help navigate all of this” Dr. Bellstrom says.
Dr. Bellstrom joins a list of “Deo Award” honors that that includes Dr. Fred Holmes, Dr. Frank Zsoldos, Dr. Mike Corrigan, Dr. Chip Chiappinelli, Dr. Robert Zelazo, Dr. Stephen Payne, Dr. Toby Sadkin, Dr. John Minadeo, Dr. Robert Beattie, and Dr. Lowery Sullivan.
This year’s Medical Staff Appreciation event was held remotely with the exception of award presentations. During the meeting, new providers were recognized, and physicians and advance practice providers who achieved milestones in length of service were also honored.
Three additional physicians were recognized for their leadership during the presentation. Dr. Chip Chiappinelli earned the Distinguished Achievement Award, Dr. Stewart Manchester earned the Clinical and Cultural Excellence Award, Sarah DeSilvey, FNP earned the Leadership Award.

2022 Run/Walk for Jim
This 2022 Run/Walk for Jim raised a whopping $11,273.54 in support of the Jim Bashaw Cancer and Catastrophic Illness Fund. The St. Albans Recreation Department helped make the run possible this year, a new partnership with the Run for Jim organizing committee. The Rec Department helped with registration, timing services and logistical support on the day of the event.
2022 Board Officers
Jake Holzscheiter
John Casavant
Vice President
Dawn Bugbee
Barb Toof
2022 Board Members
John Casavant
Dawn Bugbee
Barb Toof
Karyn Rocheleau
Corey Parent
Dr. Lowrey Sullivan
Coleen Kohaut
Matthew Habedank
2022 Medical Executive Committee
Lowrey Sullivan, MD, President of the Medical Staff
Donny Khela, MD, Vice President
Anna Royer, MD, Secretary
Katie Montagne, MD, Immediate Past President
Louis Dandurand, MD, Chief of Emergency Service
Heather Shenk MD, Chief of Inpatient Service
Kahren Aydinyan, DO, Chief of Surgical Service
Haitham Nsour, MD, Chief of Outpatient Medicine Service
Colleen Moran, MD, Chief of Pediatric
Alexandra Hoppe, PA, Member at Large
2022 Senior Leadership Team
Stephanie Breault, Chief Financial Officer
Ryan Hamel, Chief People Officer
John Minadeo, MD, Chief Medical Quality Officer
Jonathan Billings, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer
Dawn Kregel DNP, MSN-HCM, RN, CCRN, Chief Nurse Executive
Board of Incorporators
The NMC Incorporators is a group of up to 128 local residents from throughout northwestern Vermont who serve as a formal connection between the hospital and the community we serve. The Incorporators meet twice a year with primary functions being electing the Board of Directors, approving the corporate bylaws, and acting as ambassadors and advocates.
Judy Ashley
Lorne Babb, M.D.
Mary Bates
Reginald Beliveau
Leon and Anne Berthiaume
Robert Bessette
George Bilodeau
Steven Broer, Psy,D
Gregory Brophey, M.D.
Jacqueline Brosseau-Cyr
Lawrence Bruce
Dawn Bugbee
John Casavant
Jane Catton
Sandra Chagnon
Paul Clark
Donald Collins
Vaughn Comeau
Phillip Condon
Coleen Condon-Kohaut
Michael Corrigan, M.D.
Erin Creley
Karl Cunningham
David and Erica Debellis
Dustin Degree
Christopher Dermody
Lynn Desautels
Richard Dickinson, DMD
Grace Dickinson-Branon, D.M.D
Catherine Dimitruk
Hibbard Doe
Jeffrey Eaton
John Edwards
Nancy Fiske
Elaina Fontes
Bradley Gabree
Andrea Gagner
Steven Gagner
Thomas Gallagher
Elizabeth Gamache
Peter Garceau
Valdemar and Bridget Garibay
Clement Gervais
Uwe Goehlert M.D.
Nilda Gonnella-French
Leon Graves
Monica Greene
William Greenwood
Molly Grismore
Matthew Habedank
Nicholas Hadden, Esq.
Joe Halko
Christina Hamel
John and Lisa Hango
Rett Heald
Hector Hill
Jacob Holzscheiter
Jacqui Hood
Bridget Howrigan Rivet
Hayden Janes
Paula Kane
Celeste Kane-Stebbins
Ned Kirsch
Dana Kittell
Molly Lambert
Kathy Lavoie
Michelle Lawrence
Chelsey Lawyer
Jeffrey Levesque
Betsy Liley
Sally Lindberg
Danielle Lindley-Mitchell
Deborah Loughlin
Adam Luneau
David Mahoney
James Manahan
Kevin Manahan
JoAnn Manahan
Mike McCarthy
Michael R. McCarthy
Janet and Michael McCarthy
Ralph McNall
John Minadeo, M.D.
Sheri Moore
Dr. Joseph and Judy Nasca
William Nihan
William O'Connor
Corey Parent
Pamela Parsons
Steve Payne, M.D.
Peter Perley
Albert and Marcia Perry
Keith and Sylvia Ploof
Kristin Prior
William Roberts
Donna Roby
Karyn Rocheleau
Chip Sawyer
Kevin and Karen Scheffler
Marietta Scholten, M.D.
John Schreindorfer
Sherry Scott
Kristina Senna
Albert and Sally Severy
Heather Skilling, V.M.D.
Tami St. Marie
Stephen Stata
Molly Stata Comeau
Kathy Tabor
Patrick Talcott
Barb Toof
Thomas Traber
Paula Tremblay
Edward J. Tyler, III
Lynn Vallee
Howard Van Benthuysen
Daniel Vanslette
Albin Voegele
James Walsh
Homer Wetherby
Penny Wright
Dr. Frank and Judy Zsoldos
2022 Leadership List
Adam Thompson
Manager of Facilities
Alisha Sawyer
Supervisor, Medical Staff Office
Amanda Wilson
Manager, Care Management
Anna Gabaree
Director of FBC and RT
Anneke Merritt
Director, Quality & Safety and Infection Control
Bobbie Bilado
Clinical Operations Supervisor
Bridget Thompson
Supervisor, Diagnostic Imaging
Carrie Consentino
Manager, Food Service
Charles Lewis
Manager, Environmental Services
Chelsey Lawyer
Manager, Materials Management
Chris Giroux
Director, Informatics and Data Integration
Christina Beck
Laboratory Supervisor
Christopher Niles, MD
Medical Director, Urgent Care
Corey Rivers
Med-Surge Nurse Manager
Courtney Leduc
Director of Clinical Practices
Director of Progressive Care Unit
David Blin
Director of Lab Services
Deirdre Young
Director, Surgical Services
Denise Smith
Director of Population Health Programs and Strategy
Dennis Boucher
Director, IT Operations
Devin Bachelder
Manager, Decision Support & Budget Analysis
Donna Fitzgerald
EVS Supervisor
Emily Allen
Critical Care Nurse Manager
Erica Finnegan
Director, Diagnostic Imaging
George Gattullo
Director, Facilities
Gregory Brophey, MD
Executive Medical Director, Physician Services
Haitham Nsour, MD
Medical Director, Pulmonology
Heather Shenk, MD
Medical Director, Hospitalists
Jake Ashline
Supervisor, Informatics
Jennifer Howrigan
Director, Finance/Controller
Jerri Bushey
Supervisor, Clinical Administration
Jessica Aboelezz
Director of Pharmacy
Jill Torrey
Director of Business Operations
JoAnn Manahan
Director, Emergency Department
Joel Banazek
Manager, Patient Access
Karen Staniels
Director of Business Operations
Kate Laddison
Director of Communications
Kate Merchant
Director of Patient Care Services
Katherine Winchester
Manager, Volunteer Services
Kelly Campbell
Director of Professional and Organizational Development
Kristy Cushing
Director, Rehab Services
Louis Dandurand, MD
Medical Director, Emergency Department
Megan Smith
Manager, Patient Financial Services, and Health Information Management
Rachael Shepardson-Rudden
Emergency Services Nurse Manager
Thomas Suppan, MD
Medical Director, Laboratory
New Groups for Feedback and Communication
NMC established two leadership groups this past year to provide more opportunities for staff and medical staff to share input and feedback with the Senior Leadership Team. The Provider Leadership Group and Employee Leadership Group meet monthly with informal agendas driven by the staff.
Dr. Kahren Aydinyan
Dr. Crhis Bartels
Dr Cengiz Esenler
Dr. Matias Gnass
Dr. Tracy Hagerty
Dr. Thomas Harrison
Nolan Hurley, PA
Dr. Michael Kennedy
Dr. Audry Von Lepel
Lynn McMorrow, DNP
Dr. Joe Nasca
Dr. Paul Newton
Dr. Terri Nielsen
Kristie Oliver, PA
Dr. Steve Sobel
Dr. Lowrey Sullivan
Dr. Leonard Tremblay
Dr. Tracy Tyson
Dr. Christopher Vogt
Dr. Christopher Williams
Kevin King, RN
Jessica Scanlon
Kelly Connolly
Ruth Kane
Hunter Bean
Jessica Frost
Emiley Ledoux
Jonathan Newhard
Adham Kelley
Dawn Miller, LPN
Dan Shedrick
Scott Livingston
Kayla Demeritt
Elizabeth Johnson
Robyn LaRose
Gifts from Our Community: Annual Donors
Shari Bashaw
Courtright Beard
Laura Bellstrom
Jonathan & Marilyn Billings
David Blin
Damian Bolduc
Steve Bourgeois
Michael Bouvier
Dan Bovat
Adam Branon
Gregory Brophey MD
Susan Bruce
Caryn Burleson
Jane Catton
Edna Chagnon
John Chesarek
Eric Ciemniewski
Tom Conley
Kelly Connolly
Peggy Coon
Richard Cowperthwait
Eric Daudelin
Donald Davison
James Dickmann
Annette Dragoon
Katie Driver
Faith DuBois
Kimberly Duffel
Judy Dunn
Tom Dwinell
Amber Felisko
Jesse Fleming
John Foran
Valdemar and Bridget Garibay
Gary Gilmond
Todd and Angelic Gingras
Chris Giroux
Leon Graves
Joe Halko
John and Lisa Hango
Peter Hofstetter
Carol Jones
Shaun King
David Knightes
Erin LaRocque
Deeanna Lefluer
Sally Lindberg
John Livingston
Elaine Magnan
Nellie Maley
Joann Manahan
Marianne and Steve Marshall
Linda Martell
Peter Martin
Janet and Michael McCarthy
Jackie McNall
Rene Meilleur
Amanda Mobbs
Tina Mueller
Paul Newton
John Newton
Keirsten Nulph
Adam Parent
Miller Pearsall MD
Clifford Peebles
Dean Pelkey
Dan Petherbridge
Jamie Pinkham
Greg Rainville
Dennis Sanders MD
Frank Short
David Simcoe MD
Jon and Michelle Spaulding
Heather Streeter
Adam Thompson
Daniel Thompson
Barb Toof
Edward J. Tyler, III
Howard Van Benthuysen
Matthew Walker
Chandra and Andrew Walsh
Katie Walsh
Lisa Anne Weaver
Caitlin White
Mary Woodhouse MD
H. Taylor Yates MD
Christopher Young
Robert Zelazo MD
Frank and Judy Zsoldos MD
Businesses & Organizations
A.M. Peisch Company
A.N. Deringer, Inc.
Allegiance Benefit Plan Management
Cross Consulting Engineers PC
Dickinson & Branon Dental Care
E4H - Environments for Health
Grady's Golden Goodness Fund
Handy Toyota / Handy Chevrolet
Hannaford's Bags 4 My Cause
Heald Funeral Home
Jeff's Maine Seafood
Kinney Drugs Foundation
Kissane Associates
MediCopy Services
Open Approach
Peoples Trust Company
Ruggiano Engineering
Run for Jim Event
Sticks & Stuff
Suncrest Health Care Communities
Tenth Crow Creative
The Bottomless Toy Chest
The Richards Group
The Tyler Place
Union Bank
Vermont Precision Tools, Inc.
In Memory Of
In Memory of Adrianna Lee Bohannon
Dr. Thomas Suppan and the NMC Lab Team
In Memory of Betty Wright
Alice Levick
Gregory Wright
Marilyn Jacobs
Sandra Williams
In Memory of Clement Austin
Judy and Terry Jones
In Recognition of Dan Marlow
Julie Richards
In Memory of Doris Boardman
Sherry Scott
In Memory of Greg Richard
Darlene McNally
In Memory of Mike Bouthillette
Ginette Warner
Karen Bouthillette
In Memory of Patrick Lavely
Joan Robtoy
In Memory of Robert Clark
Patrick Arkinson
In Memory of Shirley Mae Butler
Amy Biggie-Ward
In Memory of Tim Connolly
Ann Moore
David Cobb
Thomas and Cheryl Martinez