Our People
2021 Board Officers

Jake Holzscheiter
About Jake Holzscheiter
Jake Holzscheiter, of Westford, Mr. Holzscheiter is the President CEO of A.N. Deringer, Inc.

John Casavant
Vice President
About John Casavant
John Casavant, of St. Albans. Mr. Casavant is a Risk Management and Insurance professional with NFP.

Dawn Bugbee
About Dawn Bugbee
Dawn Bugbee, of South Hero. Ms. Bugbee is the retired Chief Financial Officer of Green Mountain Power.

Lowrey Sullivan, MD
President of the Medical Staff
About Lowrey Sullivan, MD
Lowrey Sullivan, MD, of St. Albans. Dr. Sullivan is a practicing physician at Northwestern Obstetrics & Gynecology. He served as Chief Medical Officer from 2011 to 2018 and as the Chief Medical and Quality Officer from 2017-2019.
Past Presidents
Leon Berthiaume, of Swanton. Mr. Berthiaume is the CEO of the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery.
2021 Board Members
Leon Berthiaume
Erin Creley (completing Dr. Babb’s 2nd term)
Nick Hadden
Dawn Bugbee
Karyn Rocheleau
Lowrey Sullivan, MD
Barbara Toof
Coleen Kohaut
Matt Habedank
2021 Medical Executive Committee
Lowrey Sullivan, MD, President of the Medical Staff
Donny Khela, MD, Vice President
Anna Royer, MD, Secretary
Katie Montagne, MD, Immediate Past President
Louis Dandurand, MD, Chief of Emergency Service
Katie Montagne, MD, Chief of Surgical Service
Judy Fingergut, MD, Chief of Outpatient Medicine Service
Deanne Haag, MD, Chief of Pediatric Service
Haitham Nsour, MD
Heather Shenk, MD
Andrew Myrtue, MD
John Minadeo, MD, CMO/CQO (Ex Officio)
2021 Leadership Team
Dr. Dean French, Chief Executive Officer
Deanna Orfanidis, RN, Chief Nursing Officer
John Minadeo, MD, Chief Medical Quality Officer
Stephanie Breault, Chief Financial Officer
Robyn Alvis, Chief Operating Officer - NMG
Tom Conley, Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Development
Jonathan Billings, Vice President, Community Relations
Board of Incorporators
The NMC Incorporators is a group of up to 128 local residents from throughout northwestern Vermont who serve as a formal connection between the hospital and the community we serve. The Incorporators meet twice a year with primary functions being electing the Board of Directors, approving the corporate bylaws, and acting as ambassadors and advocates.
Judy Ashley
Lorne Babb, M.D.
Mary Bates
Reginald Beliveau
Leon and Anne Berthiaume
Robert Bessette
George Bilodeau
Steven Broer, Psy,D
Gregory Brophey
Jacqueline Brosseau-Cyr
Lawrence Bruce
Dawn Bugbee
John Casavant
Jane Catton
Sandra Chagnon
Paul Clark
Donald Collins
Vaughn Comeau
Phillip Condon
Coleen Condon-Kohaut
Michael Corrigan, M.D.
Erin Creley
Karl Cunningham
David and Erica Debellis
Dustin Degree
Christopher Dermody
Lynn Desautels
Richard Dickinson,
Grace Dickinson-Branon, D.M.D.
Catherine Dimitruk
Hibbard Doe
Jeffrey Eaton
John Edwards
Nancy Fiske
Elaina Fontes
Bradley Gabree
Andrea Gagner
Steven Gagner
Thomas Gallagher
Elizabeth Gamache
Peter Garceau
Valdemar and Bridget Garibay
Thomas Gates
Clement Gervais
Martita Giard
Uwe Goehlert M.D.
Nilda Gonnella-French
Leon Graves
Monica Greene
William Greenwood
Molly Grismore, RN
Matthew Habedank
Nicholas Hadden, Esq.
Joe Halko
Christina Hamel
John and Lisa Hango
Rett Heald
Hector Hill
Jacob Holzscheiter
Jacqui Hood
Bridget Howrigan Rivet
Hayden Janes
Celeste Kane-Stebbins
Kathleen Keenan
Ned Kirsch
Dana Kittell
Molly Lambert
Kathy Lavoie
Michelle Lawrence
Chelsey Lawyer
Jeffrey Levesque
Betsy Liley
Sally Lindberg
Danielle Lindley-Mitchell
Deborah Loughlin
Adam Luneau
David Mahoney
James Manahan II
Kevin Manahan
JoAnn Manahan
Mike McCarthy
Michael R. McCarthy
Janet and Michael McCarthy
Ralph McNall
John Minadeo, M.D.
Sheri Moore
Dr. Joseph and Judy Nasca
William Nihan
William O'Connor
Corey Parent
Pamela Parsons
Steve Payne, M.D.
Peter Perley
Keith and Sylvia Ploof
Susie Posner Jones
Kristin Prior
William Roberts
Donna Roby
Karyn Rocheleau
Chip Sawyer
Kevin and Karen Scheffler
Marietta Scholten, M.D.
John Schreindorfer
Sherry Scott
Kristina Senna
Albert and Sally Severy
Heather Skilling, V.M.D
Tami St. Marie
Stephen Stata
Molly Stata Comeau
Kathy Tabor
Patrick Talcott
Barb Toof
Thomas Traber
Paula Tremblay
Edward J. Tyler, III
Lynn Vallee
Howard Van Benthuysen
Daniel Vanslette
Albin Voegele
James Walsh
Homer Wetherby
Penny Wright
Frank and Judy Zsoldos
2021 Management Team
Robyn Alvis
Devin Bachelder
Joel Banazek
Jonathan Billings
David Blin
Dennis Boucher
Stephanie Breault
Gregory Brophey, MD
Kelly Campbell
Carrie Consentino
Kristy Cushing
Judy Fingergut, MD
Jessica Frost
Chris Giroux
Jennifer Howrigan
Katharine Laddison
JoAnn Manahan
Kate Merchant
John Minadeo, MD
Don Muller
Anneke Merritt
Tyson Moulton
Christopher Niles
Haitham Nsour, MD
Jamie Pinkham
Alisha Sawyer
Denise Smith
Megan Smith
Karen Staniels
Thomas Suppan
Lowrey Sullivan, MD
MD Jill Torrey
Amanda Wilson
Katherine Winchester
Deirdre Young
Gifts from Our Community: Annual Donors
Ronald Anstey
Judy Ashley
Brian Barratt
Fran Beauchemin
Gregory & Kathy Beaudoin
Joseph & Barbara Beauregard, MD
Michael and Leslie Berkowitz
Jill Berry Bowen
Leon Berthiaume
Carl and Betty Bessette
Joyce Bessette
Amy Biggie-Ward
Grace Billings
Jonathan & Marilyn Billings
George Bilodeau
David Blin
William Bonnie
John Bostwick
Mary Bostwick
Rachel Boudreau
Stacey Boudreau
Joseph Bouffard
Raymond Bourbeau
Kiersten Bourgeois
Steve Bourgeois
Carolyn Branagan
Adam Branon
Stephanie Breault
Gregory Brophey
Gregory and Dale Brown
Lawrence Bruce
Dawn Bugbee
Caryn Burleson
Ricky & Marie Burleson
Joan Burnor
Patricia Burton
Robert Caggige
Kathryn Cain
Jane Catton
Leo Chaplin
John Chesarek
Chip Chiappinelli
Alyson Chouinard
Brian Clukey
Lori Columb
Tom Conley
Kelly Connolly
Louise Counos
Betty Courville
Richard Cowperthwait
Robert & Ruth Cronin
Jenn & Jay Cummings
Amy Davenport
Donald Davison
David & Erica Debellis
James Dickmann
Natalie B Dishaw
Annette Dragoon
Faith DuBois
Kimberly Duffel
Joseph Durfee
Margaret Eddy
John Edwards
Bonnie Evans
Richard Ewins
Robert Farrar
Joyce Fitzgerald
Jesse Fleming
Lynne & Al Fletcher
Stephania Fregeau
Dean French
Peter Garceau
Valdemar & Bridget Garibay
Wallace & Natalie Good
Robert Goulette
Laura Gouthreau
Leon Graves
Christopher Grimes
Richard Hakey
Warren Hamm
Stanley Hancox
John and Lisa Hango
Crissey Harrington
Edith Hawksworth
Taylor Higgs
Courtney Hodet
Peter Hofstetter
Jacqui Hood
Stephen Howe
Bridget Howrigan Rivet
Eleanor Hurlbut
Katharine Hutchinson
Alton & Joanne James
John Johnson
John Johnson
David Juaire
Dulcie Juenger
Kathleen Keenan
Patricia Kennedy
Linda Kirker
Ted Kissane
David Knightes
Molly Lambert
Paul Langelier
Erin LaRocque
Laura Laurie
Michelle Lawrence
Deeanna Lefluer
Maurice L'Esperance
John Livingston
Steven & Linda Lothian
Karen Luneau
Deb Lynch
Lise Macdonald
Elaine Magnan
John Manahan
Kevin Manahan
Linda Martell
Haskell Mayo
Kayla Mayo
Kayla Mayo
Janet & Michael McCarthy
Carol McKinney
Jackie McNall
Timothy McSweeney
John Minadeo
Tina Mueller
Jane Murray
Gerald Myers
John Newton
Paul Newton
Michael & Justina Norton
Susan Palmer
Joseph Pare
Mike Patenaude
Sally Payze
Dorothy Perkins
Loretta Pigeon
Jamie Pinkham
Joan Plaisted
Marc Poissant
Paul Poquette
David Powell
Sharon Provost
Doris Raleigh
Lester Ravlin
Hubert Remillard
Susan Roberts
Marguerite Robtoy
Karyn Rocheleau
Louise Rocheleau
Ellen & Michael Rose
Carl Rosenquist
Gary & Cindy Rutkowski
Toby Sadkin
J Michael Schnell
John Schreindorfer
Sherry Scott
David Simcoe
James Smith
Steven Sobel
Frank Spendley
Steven St. Marie
Adam Thompson
Bruce & Kathleen Thompson
Dan Thompson
Barb Toof
Steve Vittum
Albin Voegele
Matthew Walker
Joseph & Joy Walsh
Lisa Anne Weaver
Marie Anne West
Homer Wetherby
David Williams
David Wood
Mary Woodhouse
Terry Wright
H. Taylor Yates
Robert Zelazo
Frank & Judy Zsoldos
Businesses & Organizations
A.N. Deringer, Inc.
AG Venture Financial Services
Coca-Cola Northeast
Community National Bank
Company Name
Dickinson & Branon Dental Care
E4H - MorrisSwitzer - Environments for Health
Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Kevin Smith's Sports Connection
Maple Capital Management
Mary Ellen Jolley Revocable Trust
MediCopy Services
Mollie Abraham Declaration of Trust
MRC Mega Realty Center
Open Approach
Race Registration Online LLC
Rotary Club of St. Albans
St. Albans Police Department
Suncrest Health Care Communities
Tenth Crow Creative
The Richards Group
Trainer's Auto
Union Bank
Usherwood Office Technology
Vermont Mothers, Inc.
Vermont Precision Tools, Inc.
In Memory Of
Homer Wetherby
Leon Berthiaume
Sherry Scott
George Bilodeau
David Wood
In Memory of Betty Casavant
AG Venture Financial Services
Lara Alemy
Joseph and Barbara Beauregard, MD
Jill Berry Bowen
Carl and Betty Bessette
Joyce Bessette
Mary Bostwick
Rachel Boudreau
Joseph Bouffard
Raymond Bourbeau
Carolyn Branagan
Lawrence Bruce
Ricky & Marie Burleson
Louise Counos
Richard Cowperthwait
Jenn and Jay Cummings
Donald Davison
David and Erica Debellis
Joseph Durfee
Margaret Eddy
John Edwards
Robert Goulette
Warren Hamm
Edith Hawksworth
Bridget Howrigan Rivet
Alton and Joanne James
Kathleen Keenan
Kevin Smith's Sports Connection
Paul Langelier
Maurice L'Esperance
Karen Luneau
Kevin Manahan
John Manahan Sr.
Mary Ellen Jolley Revocable Trust
Timothy McSweeney
Jane Murray
Michael & Justina Norton
Mike Patenaude
Sally Payze
Loretta Pigeon
Marc Poissant
David Powell
Karyn Rocheleau
Ellen and Michael Rose
John Schreindorfer
Bruce and Kathleen Thompson
Trainer's Auto
Vermont Mothers, Inc.
Joseph and Joy Walsh
Terry Wright
Steve Vittum
Fran Beauchemin
Gregory and Kathy Beaudoin
In Memory of Meridan Brooks
Amy Biggie-Ward
Carol McKinney
Laura Laurie
Kathryn Cain
Robert Farrar
Dulcie Juenger
Lise Macdonald
Joseph Pare
Michael and Leslie Berkowitz
Mollie Abraham Declaration of Trust
Albin Voegele
Frank Spendley
Susan Palmer
Kiersten Bourgeois
Jonathan & Marilyn Billings
Franklin County Industrial Development Corporation